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How to maximize your space efficiency and productivity with Slotting Optimization

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  • Date Monday, March 9, 2020
  • Time 10:30 AM - 11:15 AM
  • Location Theater I
  • Type Seminar

Presented By

Neil O'Kane - Manager of Optimization Solutions


What You Will Learn

Learn how to: 1. Optimize your Distribution Center 2. Increase cubic utilization 3. Decrease overall travel distance 4. Decrease physical handling 5. Calculate storage capacity 6. Quickly draw your current or your future operation.

Key Takeaways

1. Optimize your Distribution Center within less than 3 weeks
2. Increase cubic utilization of the facility by 25% or more
3. Decrease overall travel distance in the facility by 15%
4. Decrease handling by 15%
5. With the layout tool, it is very easy to design and draw your current or future facility giving the ability to apply existing or new models creating different scenarios and compare them for better decision making.


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