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MAG of MHI Presents: "AGVs in the Warehouse"

Sponsored by MHI

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  • Date Wednesday, March 11, 2020
  • Time 3:00 PM - 3:45 PM
  • Location Theater A
  • Type Seminar

Presented By

John Clark

Craig Henry


What You Will Learn

Automatic Guided Vehicles are not a new idea in the warehouse. These vehicles have been helping facilities address non-value add, repetitive movements in warehouses for over 50 years. Today, the ever-changing requirements in manufacturing and distribution are causing AGVs to increase their flexibility to address change and deliver a solid ROI. This presentation will cover how today’s AGVs have flexibility built in so that work tasks are being controlled via the AGV fleet management software, automatically prioritizing tasks and even deploying the AGV that is best-suited for a given task based on position and availability. Collaboration between AGV technology and employees facilitates lower product damage, higher throughput, greater safety, and more effective use of labor. This means employees don’t have to spend time coordinating the AGV’s work and can focus on high-value work.

Key Takeaways

• How today’s AGVs have flexibility built in so that work tasks are being controlled via the AGV fleet management software, automatically prioritizing tasks and even deploying the AGV that is best-suited for a given task based on position and availability.
• The increased collaboration between AGV technology and employees to facilitate lower product damage, higher throughput, greater safety, and more effective use of labor.


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