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Public Relations

Get started by accessing the MHI PR database. Use our template to craft dynamite press releases. Take advantage of our press conference room and press kit display service. Good PR is a key factor in becoming part of the buzz.

This is the place to plan your strategy for getting your story in print. The publications that cover material handling and logistics are rich resources for getting free publicity for your company's products and services during MODEX 2020.

How To's: PR Essentials and Press Release Template

What is a Press Release? Press Releases are a powerful tool that helps your company promote and announce products and services. Press releases that have the most useful, specific, factual and substantiated information are the ones most likely to see print.

Download Press Release Template

Ten Essential Tips For Press Release Writing

  1. Make sure the information is newsworthy.
  2. Tell the audience that the information is intended for them and why they should continue to read it.
  3. Deal with the facts.
  4. Ask yourself, "How are people going to relate to this and will they be able to connect?"
  5. Make sure the first 10 words of your release are effective, as they are the most important.
  6. Start with a brief description of the news, then distinguish who announced it, and not the other way around.
  7. Avoid excessive use of adjectives, jargon and fancy language.
  8. Provide as much contact information as possible: individual to contact, address, phone, fax, e-mail, web site address.
  9. Make sure you wait until you have something with enough substance to issue a release.
  10. Make it as easy as possible for media representatives to do their jobs.

Press Release Primer

Don't have a PR firm to produce polished media releases for MODEX 2020? Novice publicity do-it-yourselfers can produce professional communications by understanding a few basics.

Start by securing some company letterhead or creating a template with your company logo. Make sure your document is formatted with double spacing. Then follow these format and content guidelines:

  • Company name, web address, location address and phone number, printed clearly at the top of the page.
  • The words "PRESS RELEASE" spelled out in all CAPS and centered in bold.
  • Contact person's name and numbers.
  • FOR "IMMEDIATE RELEASE" on the left margin directly above the title in all caps.
  • Short headline or title, centered in bold.
  • Body of the press release, beginning with the date and city of its origination. Body tells who, what, where, when and why.
  • If release continues past one page, put "Page Two" in the upper right corner.
  • Three # symbols, centered directly underneath the last line of the release indicate the end of a press release.

Details, Details, Details

Take this tip from top editors. Press releases that have the most useful, specific, factual and substantiated information are the ones most likely to see print. Here's a quick checklist to make sure your release includes the right stuff. Include the following:

  • Name and model number of the product you're introducing.
  • Actual and potential uses of the solution in the material handling and logistics industry.
  • Details of design and construction that may be important to the user-omit those that only excite your chief engineer.
  • How the product operates or is applied.
  • Features/benefits, i.e. "Our new widget has six sides, so it performs more efficiently."
  • Sizes, weights, ratings and other relevant factors.
  • Where the product may be purchased-direct sales offices, dealers, etc.
  • Where to get more information.
  • Date when the product will be available, if not already available.

Remember that sending a good photograph will also increase your odds of publication. The photo should show the product clearly, in sharp focus, with adequate depth of field. If you are showing special innovations, take close-ups. If the size of the product is important, show something to help indicate how big it is. For example, a pencil for something small, a person for a large machine.

MHI PR Database

Download an Microsoft Excel® File of the MHI Trade Press Database. You can also receive a list of pre-registered press to invite to your conference one month prior to the show by emailing your request to Carol Miller.

Download Database

Media Guide

Trade shows provide the perfect opportunity to increase your company's exposure to the trade press. Through this exposure, you can inform your target customers that you'll be exhibiting at MODEX 2020 with new products and/or services, as well as obtain editorial coverage for your company and its products/services after the Show.

Publications have a limited amount of editorial space. Publication of your company's news is not guaranteed. Make sure your news release, press kit and/or press conference is newsworthy, concise and relevant to the editors/writers you are trying to reach. Get to the news item quickly; include a photo/slide or digital files (text file of your press release and high resolution graphics*) if possible. Include contact information so they can reach you if there's a question. Follow up personally with key members of the press. Remember - trade press at the Show are extremely busy and on tight schedules. Don't waste their time with press conferences and interviews that are not newsworthy to them and their audience.

*What is a high-resolution graphic? For print, the ideal is 300 dpi. Most publications accept .tif and .eps files at that resolution. You can also save as a jpeg at high resolution. If you don't have the graphic in high resolution, try sending a 72 dpi jpeg as big as you can get it (around 8 by 10 inches).


News Releases - Write, edit, and distribute your company news releases. Content may include new product/innovation announcements, personnel releases, new contracts, reseller programs, Show promotions, etc. Send releases out to appropriate members of the press and post your press releases on MODEXShow.com in your Showcase Listing and in the Online Press Room. If you don't have an Online Showcase, you can post your press release on the MHI.org Website by emailing it to Carol Miller.

Article Pitches - Develop an article pitch letter (story profile/summary) formatted for electronic distribution or as an insert for your press kit. Arrange and conduct press interviews with key company executives and customers.

Press Lists - Update or custom-develop your press list. MHI makes their press database available to all exhibitors. This is a great starting point to develop your custom list. The database includes publication, address, editorial contacts, telephone numbers, fax numbers, and email addresses.

Press Conferences and Briefings - If you have a new product development or a news worthy announcement regarding your company, schedule a press conference through MHI and invite the trade press to attend. Schedule on-site meetings for the purpose of demonstrating new products and pitching article ideas. MHI will provide by request a list of pre-registered editors and can assist you in scheduling your press conference.

As an exhibitor, you may reserve time in the press conference room in the show hall for any media event. Call MHI Marketing at 704-676-1190 or email Carol Miller to reserve the room. The room is reserved at no charge on a first-come, first-serve basis and is set-up classroom style for up to 50 people. All A/V and catering requirements are the responsibility of the exhibitor and must be ordered in advance. If you prefer to hold your press conference or media event in your booth, call to include your event on the Show Schedule of Events that will be mailed to the press before the Show and posted in the Press Room. Your conference will also be posted in the MODEX 2020 Online Press Room.

Develop a Press Information Kit for the Press Room - Include news releases and background information on your company and products, photos, digital photo and release files, multimedia CD's, etc. Ship 50 press kits to the MODEX 2020 Press Room for display and ship another 50 to your booth to use on the Show floor.

At Show

On-Site Representation - Meet personally with contributing writers and editors at your booth. Deliver and replenish press information kits to the press room, conduct press conferences and briefings, identifying editorial opportunities and pitch article ideas.

Show Daily Advertising - Don't forget to include the Show Daily published by Modern Materials Handling in your PR plan. Contact them at 800-367-9357.


Article Pitching - Follow up with select editors after the Show to discuss editorial guidelines, procedures and deadlines for submitting article ideas and images.

Article Development and Placement- Arrange interviews with key company executives and/or customers, develop story profiles (case histories, technology articles, company profiles, guest columns, etc.), prepare and edit article drafts, stage photography, maintain press contact, and secure editorial placements.

Contributions to Feature Articles- Maintain press contact, identify editorial opportunities, arrange interviews with key company executives and/or customers, and oversee story accuracy-checks.

Submit Press Release

If you have press releases relating to your MODEX 2020 exhibition, those releases will also be placed in the MODEX 2020 online Press Room before and after the event. In addition, your releases will be placed on MODEXShow.com's RSS feeds and on Twitter.

Press releases submitted via email will be added to a queue for posting and, depending on the number of releases in the queue, may not be posted immediately.

Email your releases to Alex Batty.

Press Conferences

As an exhibitor, you can reserve time in the press conference room in the show hall for any media event. Call MHI Marketing at 704-676-1190 to reserve the room or email Carol Miller.

The room is reserved at no charge on a first-come, first-serve basis and is set-up classroom style for up to 50 people. All A/V and catering requirements are the responsibility of the exhibitor and must be ordered in advance. If you prefer to hold your press conference or media event in your booth, call to include your event on the show schedule of events that will be mailed to the press before the show and posted in the Press Room. Your conference will also be posted in the MODEX 2020 online Press Room.

On-site Press Kits

As an exhibitor, MHI will display your press kits or other promotional information in the show Press Room. Members of the trade and business press who cover the show will be looking for information about exhibiting companies. Fill your press kit with product news releases, photos, digital files on USB drive, company information and an invitation to learn more at your booth. You can ship up to 50 media kits to the press room at the show.

Bring your press kits directly to the MODEX 2020 Press Room on Sunday, March 8 or ship materials to arrive between March 4 - March 6, 2020 to:

MODEX 2020 Press Room/MHI
Attn: Carol Miller
Building B
Georgia World Congress Center
285 Andrew Young International Blvd, NW
Atlanta, GA 30313