Booth #7988
.steute Technologies, Inc., through the wireless NEXY solution, is a global leader in wireless eKanban, Andon, and AGV integrated sensor networks for manufacturing, assembly and industrial workflow processes. NEXY allows customers to capture the benefits of Just-in-Time (JIT) and lean manufacturing; simultaneously avoiding overstocking and material shortages, all while keeping production lines running.NEXY’s wireless system architecture allows for flexibility in production line design and facilitates rapid line change-over, eliminating the need for expensive wiring and re-wiring with each production change. NEXY offers a complete line of wireless sensors, position switches, reflective optical sensors, customizable multi-element command switch sets, hand controls, AGV control modules, and 3-button Andon and material requisition units. The NEXY system architecture utilizes interference-free wireless sensor connections that communicate using 915 MHz radio frequency (non – WiFi).
Get in touch if you have questions about attending or exhibiting at the show.
customerservice[at]modexshow[dot]com 704-676-1190