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AS/RS of MHI presents: “Determining which AS/RS is best for your application”

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  • Date Monday, March 9, 2020
  • Time 2:15 PM - 3:00 PM
  • Location Theater H
  • Type Seminar

Presented By

Grant Beringer - Vice President - Americas Technology Center
Swisslog - Americas

Mark Hasler - Business Development Manager

Matt Rivenbark - Executive Sales Manager, Logistic Solutions
Schaefer Systems International, Inc.


What You Will Learn

What information is required to evaluate and select an automated storage & retrieval system (ASRS)? What ASRS solutions are currently available? If you are faced with these questions, this seminar will provide an understanding of the process of selecting the ASRS solution which is most suitable for your business application. Solutions to be discussed include Unit load, Miniload, VLM’s, Shuttles, Horizontal/ Vertical carousels, Cube based storage.

Key Takeaways

1) What are the necessary data and business requirements that should be considered when evaluating and selecting an ASRS solution?
2) What are the available range of ASRS solutions and for which applications are they appropriate?


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