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TRG of MHI Presents: Warehouse Automation: Beyond the Robot

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  • Date Monday, March 9, 2020
  • Time 11:30 AM - 12:15 PM
  • Location Emerging Technologies Theater
  • Type Seminar

Presented By

Matt Kulp - Executive Vice President and Managing Partner
St. Onge Company

Greg Doppler - President
Cornerstone Specialty Wood Products, LLC

John Sloan - Founding Partner
Legacy Platform

Fergal Glynn - Vice President of Marketing
6 River Systems, Inc.


What You Will Learn

Robots are the hot topic in next generation automation within warehouses, distribution, and order fulfillment. But it isn’t a simple solution. What has evolved in the manufacturing sector over the past 40 years doesn’t necessarily apply to the material handling space. Successful implementation of machine vision, safety devices, automatic identification and data capture (AIDC), end-of-arm tooling, controls, and other ancillary devices can make or break a project. Join our panel of experts from The Robotics Group (TRG) who will share the challenges facing the industry as well as the various components that have to come together to create solutions that can perceive, prioritize, plan and perform the work to be done.

Key Takeaways

• Aside from the robot, what other types of technology are needed in warehouse automation?
• An overview of technology, such as grippers, vision systems, safety devices, and controls that enable warehouse automation


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