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AS/RS of MHI presents: “How to calculate AS/RS ROI: Key metrics that often get overlooked”

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  • Date Wednesday, March 11, 2020
  • Time 10:30 AM - 11:15 AM
  • Location Theater E
  • Type Seminar

Presented By

Andy Lockhart - Vice President Sales Integrated Systems
TGW Systems Inc.

Daniel Labell - President
Westfalia Technologies, Inc.

Mohan Ramunkutty - Senior Director – Design & Development
Americas Technology Center Swisslog Americas


What You Will Learn

Abstract Many organizations struggle to develop accurate and meaningful Return on Investment calculations for their AS/RS investments. This education seminar on “How to calculate AS/RS ROI: Key metrics that often get overlooked” will help you understand the key metrics that should be included. A typical economic justification model compares a conventional, non-automated solution to an AS/RS, and determines the ROI on the differential cost of these investments. Building an ROI model with all the pertinent factors that addresses the needs of your audience will make the justification of the AS/RS investment easier. The seminar will look at how to include direct and indirect expenses, along with using sensitivity analysis to understand how different factors can affect the results of the ROI. Brochure Description Is your company faced with attempting to calculate AS/RS ROI (Return on Investment)? We will use case studies and real examples to tackle the topic of building an accurate ROI model by addressing the following key points: • defining what aspects to include in your ROI • comparing conventional fulfillment systems with implementation of an AS/RS solution • including direct and indirect expenses to achieve an accurate ROI model to help justify investments in automation.

Key Takeaways

1) Factors to include when creating an ROI for ASRS automation
2) How to include direct and indirect expenses into your ROI
3) Using sensitivity in your ROI to show the effect these factors have on ROI.


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