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5 Things You Aren't Considering (But Should Be) For Your AMR Installation

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  • Date Tuesday, March 10, 2020
  • Time 10:30 AM - 11:15 AM
  • Location Theater I
  • Type Seminar

Presented By

Matt Rendall - CEO and Co-founder
OTTO Motors


What You Will Learn

As Industry 4.0 becomes more recognized around the world, manufacturing and distribution facilities are embracing global trends by adopting automation to disrupt their material handling practices and create a competitive advantage. Autonomous Mobile Robots (AMRs), also referred to as Self-Driving Vehicles (SDVs), for materials handling may be the lowest hanging fruit for finding efficiencies in workflows. Automating the highly repetitive and dull tasks enables humans to focus on higher value-added tasks, improving the facilities' overall safety and productivity. Many companies are unable to reap the full benefits of this Industry 4.0 technology because they do not consider all of the potential factors before their AMR installation. Deployment without consideration of potential factors can be dangerous - not just for workers, but for company success as well. In this session, Matt Rendall will cover the 5 factors that companies may not be considering, but should be, as they prepare to deploy AMRs in their facilities. By the end of his presentation, the audience will be better prepared to implement AMRs and other Industry 4.0 technologies.

Key Takeaways

The 5 factors that companies often neglect during their AMR installation are: Safety, Capacity, Security, Connectivity, and Scalability. Disregarding these factors can be costly and dangerous, but can be avoided by early action. Just some key takeaways from Matt Rendall’s presentation are listed below:
- Design for safety by asking your AMR provider for a comprehensive safety review and test risk cases.
- Contract for capacity and spend time understanding your customers’ changing needs.
- Always be secure by involving IT as early as possible.
- Connectivity can be achieved by, for one, asking your AMR provider for detailed test results.
- Pay attention to scaling by reviewing diagnostics and reports.


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