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Collapsible Vessel Cart

Artitalia Group Inc. (booth # 2404)

Summary of Innovation

The Collapsible Vessel Cart was designed by Artitalia Group to solve the inconvenience of the traditional replenishment-cart. These carts are known to be tedious to assemble and disassemble for storage and are too bulky to fit in store aisles, making stocking shelves complicated and strenuous.
The Collapsible Vessel Cart folds onto itself and has an easy to use fastening system making loading and unloading effortless. It is equipped with six shelves that can easily be rearranged for extra space and that can be stored on the back of the cart. This versatile cart is small enough to pass through aisles and can be preloaded into shipping vehicles with supplies. It is also made of a light compact wire frame that is strong enough to securely hold the weight of goods making restocking shelves an easy task. For trouble-free storage, the Collapsible Vessel Carts nest into each other and all of their components easily fold or hook within themselves, with no need for disassembly and no tools are required. All these innovative features make the Collapsible Vessel Cart the perfect material handling solution for retailers and logistic companies.

Innovation Statement

The Collapsible Vessel Cart is the next generation of innovative material handling solutions, solving the traditional problems of replenishment carts by folding onto itself and nesting for easy storage as well as being light and compact for effortless maneuvering yet strong enough to hold all the supplies being shipped.


The Collapsible Vessel Cart is the perfect material handling solution for retailers and logistic companies alike receiving and sending goods to individual facilities.


Posted Date 12/20/19
Contact Evi Mitzinis
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Category Best Innovation of an Existing Product

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